Kearth’s Korner

Greetings fellow adventurer! This is Kearth, and this is my Korner…er…Corner. Actually, I like Korner. Rol mentioned “Rol’s Ritings,” but that doesn’t make any sense at all. Plus, I got here first. More plus, I’m a better riter…er…writer.

This area is all about what I want to say—just me. And sometimes what other people want to talk about. But mostly what I want to say. Unless I invite them to say something, and then I am still in control, because this is my Korner, and that’s the write (ha!) thing to do.

I have so much great information to share that it would take a whole pile of websites to hold it all. That makes sense, doesn’t it? Of course it does. Anyway, enjoy…

Money, Money, Money

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Don’t you like the way that sounds? “Money, Money, Money” And you have to capitalize the words because it makes them sound more important. “Money, Money, Money” is way better than “money, money, money”—am I right? Why is it so important that the words sound so important? Well, it isn’t. Important, I mean. I just wanted to get your reaction. And you reacted just the way I thought you would although I couldn’t see you and can’t see you because you are there and I am here and it just doesn’t work out for me to see you the way I would like in...

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Clouds and Other Nonsense

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Weather or not you know it… Let me just stop right there. You did realize that I spelled it “weather” and not “whether” right? Just checking. Where was I? Oh, okay, now I remember. I was talking about the weather because the other day I was looking at clouds and I realized that they should have names. Now you might be thinking that clouds don’t deserve names because they don’t do anything, really, and about the time you pick out a nice, fitting name for one it radically changes shape—maybe from a bunny to a featherwingle—and then may...

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Drying On

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I remember that one time last year I took a bath and how clean I got. I remember thinking that I wouldn’t need another bath for a long time. I remember townsfolk chasing me around a month later with buckets of water and brushes because they said I was causing their flowers to wilt. They couldn’t prove it, but that’s what they said. All of them. They must have something against me. The thing about baths is that they take up so much time. I mean, think about how wet you get and then you have to dry off. Really? In the time it takes to dry off...

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Lunch With Friends

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Last week I went to lunch at an eatery in town with my good friends Rol and Fhfyrd. The place is simple, not overly decorated or crowded, and the food is always tasty there—as long as you stay away from the “glazed eel surprise” on Tuesdays. We sat down and ordered food, but Rol’s attention was obviously not on our table. He kept looking at an elderly elder a few tables away who had arrived just after we did. Finally, without a word of explanation, Rol got up and walked over to speak with the man. We couldn’t hear the conversation, but smiles...

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Is it Weird to Want a Beard?

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I’ve decided that I’m going to grow a beard. Some day. I’m young enough that I don’t think I could grow one now if I tried. It’s not that I’m not trying, because I’m not doing anything about a beard one way or the other at this point, but I decided today that a beard would suit me. At least I think so. I’ve never had one. It’s hard to tell what it would be like…or look like…or feel like. I’d probably look older. Possibly younger. But I bet I would like it. I’m sure I would. Yes, I’ve decided that I’m going to grow a beard. Some day....

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Snails Can Sleep For Three Years

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I heard from someone the other day that snails can sleep for three years. That’s three YEARS. Not three days. Not three weeks or months. Three YEARS. YEARS. I doubted that person and decided to see for myself, so I followed a snail. Now, here’s the thing—Where does a snail sleep? It carries its house on its back, right? I don’t know if that is true, but I heard it from someone the other day. I doubted that person and decided to see for myself, so I snuck up on the snail I was following to check. Here’s another thing—snails are slow. Painfully...

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What I Saw

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I saw something quite nice the other day. Something that made me stop and smile. What I saw was not a treasure, although it was probably treasured by at least one of the people involved, if not both. What I saw was not something you could hold in your hands, although it involved holding hands. What I saw was not even an object, although it had an objective. What I saw was someone going out of their way to help someone else. A small younger that I know in the village was walking with his grandmother, hand-in-hand, enjoying their moment in that...

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The End of a Year

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Most of the time, I don’t like when something comes to an end—an adventure, a good meal, a day celebrating turning another season older with presents and cake and celebration and friends and cake and presents and cake. But when it comes time for the year to end, I always say, “Good riddance, old year.” Well…starting now. It can be good for a year to come to an end. That means it is time for a new year to start. That can mean new adventures, more good meals, more presents and friends and cake. And cake. I like new years because they make me...

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I learn something new every day. I take that back. I’m not sure I learned anything at all last week. I sleep a lot, and that may explain it—oh, and I had a bad sneezing and itching attack for a couple of days last week—but otherwise, I actually do learn something new every day. Mostly. Today I learned that what I thought was a quite-commonly-used-word-or-actually-a-word-with-a-dash-in-it is different to some people than to others. And I was quite surprised. Flummoxed, even. The word is “kitty-corner” and I’m genuinely more than frustrated by...

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Hilarious Water

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I had a hilarious thought the other day. Really hilarious. It was about water. I know…you must be thinking that who cares about water and water you doing thinking about water anyway. Wait. I gave away the punchline. See, it was set up as a good joke where I say that I’m thinking, and someone says… Wait. No. I mention the word “water” and someone says, “oh” and then I say… No, that’s not it. I see someone and I ask how they are doing and they say… Still not right. OK, I think I have it now. I see someone in the village and they are carrying a...

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