.Wisdom of Fool just I’m ,know I .Fool ,Fooled the are you and yourself Fooling are you ,Foolish Fool the think you if that is philosophy My .busy you keep should it but ,got I’ve all That’s
.enough had I’ve .Please .it do don’t—“Me Kick” says that back their on sign a with around walking someone see you If 5.
.mean I ,Usually .funny pretty is eggs vulture smelly ’ol rotten with eggs real replace can you time Any 4.
?Day Pancake on that is Or .mace spiked or club large a holding are they unless them pinch to right every have you ,green wearing not someone see you If 3.
.that like Something .away run ,you see and door the open they When .it on knock and house someone’s of door the to up Walk 2.
.funny Not .don’t Just .skrats use Don’t .toes like sounds it because probably ,funnier are toads but ,do will Frogs .toads with them replace ,day the in later wear to out shoes their has someone If 1.
:hilarious…um…hilariously and clever incredibly are they because ,home at use to you for examples few a are here and ,it do you way the is art real The .it that’s ,Basically .simple it keep to like I you told I .Fool the are they then and (joke bear previous my with confused be to not) someone on joke a playing means me to Day Fools
.myself—so say do I if ,two or Fool a know to happen I that is which of least the ,reasons of number a for ,valuable very is area this in opinion my that realize must you as ,asking for you thank ,Well ?you didn’t ,that ask did You ?ask you ,me to mean Day Fools does what ,So
.up me cracks totally said just I what honestly and ,bear a you’re Unless .bear to lot a that’s ,way Either .girl Or .guy Poor .right not just that’s and ,person one on all it pins that but ,Day Fool called being it about thought I .simple it Keep .it see I way the that’s but ,have others of number unimaginable an as ,crazy me Call .(either s the of sides both on out stick that things two those like don’t I matter that for and) “s” the near out sticks that thing little that like don’t I because Day Fools it call just I .Day Fools’ it call Others .Day Fool’s it call Some